Learn More about VisualPulse

Learn more about the features and benefits VisualPulse has to offer and how it can help you in your business environment.

VisualPulse is available in two editions. These are explained in the section below.

VisualPulse Standard Edition VisualPulse Professional Edition

Web page response time -- HTTP and HTTPS measures provide latency and error percent information for text download of web pages

Network IP device latency -- continuous ping response reporting provides essential performance measures of network latency

Application ports -- TCP port monitoring reports the availability of critical TCP/IP services such as SNMP, FTP, POP3 and DNS

Network IP packet loss -- real-time and historical reports show where data packets are being lost

Router, Firewall and Server network usage -- SNMP measurements provide vital traffic levels for ICMP, TCP, UDP and IP traffic

Network IP device latency -- continuous ping response reporting provides essential performance measures of network latency

Router, Firewall and Server port utilization -- monitors SNMP device utilization levels, inbound and outbound bandwidth usage

Network IP packet loss -- real-time and historical reports show where data packets are being lost

  • Monitored hosts now support multiple availability tests. This allows the monitoring of multiple web pages or application ports if desired.

  • Simplified summary view now allows all the monitored hosts to be displayed in a small browser panel to reduce desktop real-estate.  

  • Improved native Unix support no longer requires 'Virtual Frame Buffer' to be installed.

  • Alert 'batch' events allow Windows '.bat' or Unix '.sh' files to be run on the local VisualPulse server.

  • Professional Edition now allows Router bandwidth limits to be user configured.

  • Real-time and historical reporting enable quick identification of whether a performance problem is with the network or the web site, and where the problem is happening. Historical reports information provide visibility to performance trends over the the past hour, day, or month.

  • Automated traceroute logging on alert conditions
    Network routing and performance detail is recorded when slow response or an outage occurs, enabling analysis of performance problems regardless of when they occur. Optional integretion with VisualRoute bServer provides on-demand routing performance information.

  • Exportable data
    Performance data can be easily exported to HTML or Excel format for further analysis.

  • Monitors up to 500 IP addresses simultaneously
    Seemlessly monitors up to 500 IP addresses, allows 'aliases' of IP addresses for easy identification. To monitor more than 500 IPs, see DesktopProfile.

  • Automated notification of excessive latency or system outage
    Threshold alerts provide instant notification of unacceptable reponse times so you can avoid or minimize costly outages. Problem notifications are indicated by color-coded reports, e-mail alerts and SNMP traps, thresholds may be set on a global or individual basis, includes optional Windows Event logging.

  • Web-based reports and administration
    Easily share information across the enterprise with web-based reports, simplify your network management administration with remote access via a browser. Includes password-protected access with security options.
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